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Echoes on Canvas

In strokes of color, lines of grace,

A world unfolds upon the space.

With every shade, the canvas sings,

Art's silent voice, the brush it brings.

A pencil's dance, a charcoal's sway,

On paper plains, they pirouette away.

Sketching dreams, outlining thought,

In drawing's realm, the soul is caught.

A gallery of minds, a tapestry so vast,

Where every hue, a memory's cast.

In art we find, life's echoes drawn,

From dusk of night to blush of dawn.

So let the art, in heart take part,

A masterpiece from the very start.

For every line, and every dot,

Is a story told, a vision caught.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily,  07 July 2024 - All Rights Reserved

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Silent Battles To A Chorus of Healing

In the quiet depths of mind, where shadows often tread,
Lies a silent battlefield, where many tears are shed.
A place where laughter once resided, now feels so hollow,
As the heartaches of tomorrow, in the darkness wallow.

Whispers of self-doubt, like thorns, they prick and tear,
Each petal of self-worth, stripped bare, left to despair.
The world outside moves on, in colors bright and bold,
Yet within these walls of thought, the air feels cold.

But let this verse remind, those who fight unseen battles,
Your strength lies in resilience, amidst life's rattles.
For every moment of weakness, there's a hidden might,
In reaching out for help, in sharing your plight.

Mental health, a journey, with its ebbs and flows,
A spectrum of emotions, that only the heart knows.
Let's weave a tapestry of support, understanding, care,
For every soul that struggles, let's be aware.

So speak your truth, let not your voice be quelled,
In the chorus of healing, let your story be held.
For in the sharing, we find a common thread,
A bond of human spirit, that in love is spread.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily,  30 June 2024 - All Rights Reserved

Protected by Copyscape **If you or someone you know is dealing with depression, it's important to seek help from friends, family, or mental health professionals. You're not alone, and there is hope and help available.

Dance of Seasons: An Ode to Adult Life

In the dawn of adult years, with dreams so bright and bold,
We step into the world, our stories yet untold.
The road ahead is winding, with highs and lows untamed,
Each step a dance of balance, with joy and sorrow named.

The midday sun of life shines down with fervent heat,
Ambitions climb the sky, as challenges we meet.
Successes bring us soaring, the peaks of joy we find,
Yet valleys wait with lessons, where growth is oft designed.

As twilight gently falls, and years like rivers flow,
We find a quiet strength in all that we now know.
The tapestry of life, with threads both dark and light,
Reveals a depth of beauty in the coming of the night.

Through every rise and fall, the heart learns to embrace,
The spectrum of our feelings, the breadth of human grace.
For in each high and low, life's richness is unfurled,
A journey of emotions, in the theater of the world.
~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily,  19 June 2024 - All Rights Reserved

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Whispers of You in the Silence


In the quiet of the night, I feel the space,
Where once you stood, now an empty place.
The moon casts shadows, soft and low,
But none can match your gentle glow.

The stars, they whisper across the sky,
In their twinkling, I hear your sigh.
A universe vast, yet you're not near,
In every silence, it's you I hear.

The breeze carries memories, sweet and clear,
Of laughter shared, of joy, of cheer.
Yet in its wake, a single tear,
For all I wish, is you were here.

In dreams, I find you close once more,
We dance on some celestial shore.
But morning breaks, and dreams must fade,
Leaving behind the love we made.

So I'll hold tight to what once was,
To every memory, every cause.
For though you're gone, the love still true,
In every beat, my heart calls for you.
~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily,  30 May 2024 - All Rights Reserved


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Eternal Glow: Ode to a Mother's Light

In the heart of the home, a gentle light glows,
A beacon of love that forever grows.
She's the whisper of leaves on a summer's breeze,
The kiss of the sun through the canopy of trees.

With hands that weave comfort, soft as a sigh,
She stitches the moments as time trickles by.
Her laughter, a melody played in the air,
Fills the rooms with a music so rare.

In her eyes, you'll find the stars' gentle gleam,
A harbor of dreams, an endless stream.
She's the dance of the firefly in twilight's embrace,
The tender touch of morning's first grace.

A mother, a giver, a compass, a guide,
Through storms and through calm, she's always beside.
Her wisdom, a lighthouse when seas turn rough,
Her strength, an anchor when winds blow tough.

In the quiet of night, when the world's hushed and still,
Her presence is peace, her love is the thrill.
For the gift of a mother, so gentle, so bold,
Is a story of love that never grows old.

May this poem reflect the beauty and strength of Mothers everywhere. 🌻🌹

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, 10 May 2024 - All Rights Reserved
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