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Showing posts with label father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father. Show all posts

A Father He Is...

He is the foundation of every home,
Giving the home its epitome.
Holding each wall that represents its home,
To protect and to guide its clone.

He is the strength of its wall,
For without him it could crumple.
Battling the storms destructing what he builds,
He should stay strong for the trust that its wall clings.

Whatever it may, the foundation would stay,
Though walls might crack and leave their grip.
The foundation would lay its way,
To gather once again, the wall that was stripped.

~ €mpêråtrïz
 Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, June 2011- All Rights Reserved

📷 Mendoza Family Album

HAPPY FATHERS' DAY to my Tatay...
and to all Tatays, Papas, Daddies, and Papis in the world..(",)

#fathersday #father #tatay # daddy #poem