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Showing posts with label free verse poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free verse poetry. Show all posts

The Woman

As the rib holds out a man,
A woman is to be cherished and behold.
A woman holds together 
whatever is inside her wings.
A woman puts together 
whenever and wherever one needs her care.

As the rib protects a man's heart,
A woman should be kept.
to be taken care of and to be cherished,

In all the struggles of this world, 
she remains the woman... quiet and still...
Yet, when all fails, and chaos is around
she dares to face the naked truth...

Slay...walk... battle it out 
though wounded and in pain.

As the Saviour is brought forth to us through a woman...
A woman saves the day 
with her wit, brevity, passion, and compassion.
She is The Woman, 
the embodiment of life.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, March 2023 - All Rights Reserved

#prose #freeversepoetry #woman #womensmonth #womenempowerment

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I Am a Fairy

**image credit to:
with some add/edits of the moon

My soul hides a magical fairy. 

I love to sing and dance everywhere I go 
like I was shining.

I am made for great things.

I feel a big connection with Nature.

Nature gives me power through the five elements:
fire, water, earth, air, and energy.

Besides Nature, 
I have a really strong connection with the moon, 
and the moon has a really strong connection with me. 

The moon gives me power and peace.

I feel like she is my second home.

I have two sides, 
like all creatures, 
light, and dark.

I am in the middle of those two, 
but at the right times, 
I fall on the light side.

#fairy #nature #moon #words #freeverse #poetry

~ €mpêråtrïzV
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Hearts Can Tell

image credit to the owner

The small thumping of those black leather shoes,
Halts the world for the seconds of my life.
The mere glance of your swaying shadow,
Pumps the heart out of my chest.
The inkling sound of your deep voice,
Echos a bell ringing through my ears.

The giggling smile of your wide red lips,
Refreshes my soul like no other can.
The stare from your deep-set blue eyes,
Leaves me standing still for a second.
The arms embracing all of me,
Cradles my soul, cuddles my heart.

The soft meeting of our lips,
Seeks the heart out of me,
Tells the heart, I am, You Are indeed.
Your heart, my heart, pounding like a drum amiss.
We cry, can't stop to let the moment of time.
Our hearts can tell, we dearly have each other.
Hearts can tell... 
we are on the way Riding the boat,
towards what our hearts can feel.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, January 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Unrequited Love

📷*image credits to

Eyes staring at, hearts thumping for,
Shows the menace of unspecial.
Create nuisance for one unheard,
Unrequited love, it may seem ...

Keeping the sake for its one love,
Anything belongeth to thee.
Though it despiseth thee,
Unrequited love, it may seem...

Hearts cried for secret it ruleth,
Can't be returneth unto thee,
Ne'er be requited unto thee...
Yet in time, love might be it is.

Stareth for one more thing the pain,
The tragedy of unrequited,
Though boundeth by time and belief,
Forget or wait if required.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, September 2016 - All Rights Reserved

Each ..We Would Never Have

📷image credit to Final Fantasy characters

We have met..
We fell..
We loved..
We shared..
We have drifted apart..
One love
we should never have...
One moment
we should never share.
Time isn't only against us,
but love itself.
It seems right, 
but wrong in its sense.
Time goes..
And you're here again..
Time flies..
Yet it is still the same...
Memories coming back, 
Pains wanting recall..
We have met..
We miss each other..
We love..
We kissed..
We held each other..
I cried..
We know..
We would say..
our final goodbyes..
You can say..
You would never hear..
the lips of an angel
This one love..
We could never have..
Someday, Somewhere..
May it never happen again,
May it be given a chance...
To love..
Each ..That we would never have.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, July 2016 - All Rights Reserved

Thankful For The Day

📷images credit to

"How precious is that moment,
walking freely through the meadows...
How golden is that time,
sniffing aromas around the bushes...
How blissful is that day,
opening my eyes for these wonderful creations...

For every moment that I could stand,
I would cherish it.
For every minute that I could breathe,
I would be joyful.
For every single day that I could wake up,
it would be a relief,
that YOU have given me another day 
with those so dear to me.."

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, May 2016 - All Rights Reserved

#precioustime #thankful #anotherday #every

**I was able to compose this poem
 when I had been able to get up
 and feel no more the throbbing pain for days..

Remembering Earth

credits to the owner/images are not mine

Its green pastures, our bountiful harvest...
Its detailed landscape, our breathtaking view
Its blue waters, our refreshing crystals...
Its fresh monsoon wind, our vigorous life...
Its clear blue sky, our hopefulness abounds.

Where is thy golden age? Poisons stink everywhere...
Where is thy glorious past ? A sore blinded our eyes...
Where are thy shining glass - broken pieces we no longer admire...
Where are thy blooming fragrance - a death given to our children...
Where is thy infinite light - darkness looming over our lives...

What shall we do... the trees no longer bear fruits...
What shall we do... destruction blinded our eyes...
What shall we do... the thirst can no longer be quenched...
What shall we do... the air suffocates the life it brings...
What shall we do... our home became history for the unknown.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, April 2016 - All Rights Reserved

What Am I ..Becoming ..

I once had a beautiful mind,
and I thought I could fill somebody's gap.
I once had a sensitive heart, 
and I inspired and motivated someone's craft.
I had that freedom to play under the sun,
unmindful of the rains whenever they came.
One sudden gush of wind...
it came from nowhere.
The once bright and joyful laughter
swallowed through the dark...
never to see it again...
What am I becoming? .. the voice within asked.
The mind that fills,
now sorting things out
to a scheme that she was not.
What am I becoming? .. the voice keeps ringing,
the heart that moves, 
now, frightening the scare out of your door.
I become one's nightmare
entering the dreams 
of what I thought I would not become.
Drag anyone close to my face,
let it consume or be with me.
Find happiness at night,
afraid and hiding when the dawn breaks in
Wanted to lay eyes again on the bright morning sun
yet, it would only forecast my doom.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, March 2016 - All Rights Reserved

📷image credits to the owner

A Pair To Remember

We are not Romeo and Juliet,
but the way we look at each other
is like we love till death do us part.

We are not living in the castle, 
but our way and demeanor
are like the princes and the princesses.

We are just like a pair of the plate,
giving food to eat at someone's table,
to give life.
We are just like a pair of ceramic,
adorning the table for somebody's delight,
to give color.

We are a pair who bore fruits,
tending them to live and grow
A pair who gives the time
for these fruits to shine.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, February 2016 - All Rights Reserved