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My Best Friend

📷 image by Holiday Greeting Cards

So often when I talk about you, 
I start with my words "my best friend." 
But I know I seldom tell you 
how much I appreciate the time 
and the sharing, the memories, 
and even the silly jokes 
that make you such a unique person in my life... 
By now, we can almost finish 
each other's sentences. 
You know all about me and like me anyway! 
I know all about you and I keep it to myself! 
That kind of trust doesn't happen overnight. 
That's why I want to let you know 
that you and your friendship 
are a precious part of my life 
and always will be...

words credited to : Holiday Greeting Cards


📷 image by EmilyM.

Sun engulfed by dusk
Promises new day and hope
Dawn peeping through clouds


Beauty of Sunset
Unspeakable awareness
of what lies ahead.

~~ o0o ~~

 Sunset gives us hope,
Another day's gone away
 New day rise again

 ~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, July 2014 - All Rights Reserved