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Spotify Podcaster


📷 image credit to Bob Johnson of Canada

Your light glows into the night sky
Amazing splendor through the night
Joy, excitement in one's eyes.

How magical! How wonderful!
Enchanting, captivating lights!
Created by One so Powerful!

One of the most marvelous creations,
Not all people are blessed to witness...

Aurora why aren't you here?
How can we see the splendor,
your natural beauty presents.

Follow the dream, follow the sky,
Follow the land where Aurora is...

 ~ €mpêråtrïzV

 ~ Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, November 2015 - All Rights Reserved

My Star

📷 image credit

I gaze through the lens, 
I thought you were a star.
Your love touches my eyes reaching me, 
touches life, outlining your presence in me.
Your warmth never burns, 
your hug glows inside me.
Your brightness, is subtle, impressive,
 a love that knows no distance.
You speak through my heart 
without even opening your lips.
We consummated our longing 
every time the world darkens.
You are humble enough 
to reach me beyond the expanse, 
telling me there is something
 rather than nothing.
I then realized that you saw me before 
or is it I that saw you?
Every night, our future meets from a distant past.
I wonder if you are still there.

(written with permission from someone but forget his/her name)

Copyright ©EmperatrizV , 1st published @Sunflower for Emily, February 2015 - All Rights Reserved