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Spotify Podcaster

The People

📷 credits to Clipart library

some of the things we do...
we don't know why we're doing it.
But always, 
we do things for a reason, 
for every action, 
there's a purpose and a motive behind it.
Some people know what they want
some are not.
Some people don't even know who they are 
and yet some people think they know everything.
And some people are too proud of themselves
but some don't even have the confidence to rely on themselves.
Some people know when to fight on 
and to let go;
some people hide what's inside their hearts 
and yet some let it all go...
even if it's hurting somebody...
if there are some,
there will always be someone 
somebody doing the opposite.
But one thing is sure,
 if some are 
always doing different and opposite things, 
some for always never ends...
it holds true for many 
that for always, 
in all ways, 
all people wanted to be loved and 
all people wanted to be happy...

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, June 2022 - All Rights Reserved


📷credits to the owner

From an unlit room,
you can't see how sad the eyes are. 
The shadow of bitterness
moving from the dark...
The lips smirk from the pain...
 The seething anger from deep within...
The tears from despair asking for help...
 Loneliness engulfed. 
The need to move but can't go on...
Closing the eyes not to see what's ahead.
 The painful reality of losing it.
 Covering the ears not to hear what's being said...
 Stabbing deep like a sword...
The heart wanted to stop 
but knowing there are some counting on,
 the mind can't go to a halt. 
Rising again, smiling...
but losing every strength to carry on.
 No one bothers to look. 
Every minute, 
every single day, it fades...
how long it would last, 
no one seems to know...
walk... walk...
waiting for its last breath...

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, September 2011 - All Rights Reserved

#prose #depression #pain #loneliness #unlitroom #darkness


📷credits to Luis Galvez on
There are tears that tell the unexpected has happened,
the things you have prayed for has been answered.
Tears that says it's finally over
and you're done with it.
Tears that shows deep and seething pain,
pain that cuts like a knife.
Wounded soul, hovers throughout the day.
The gloomy sky seems to understand its loneliness,
an advent rain to come.
No one could understand how painful it is.
Weeping all throughout the night,
silent weep but turbulent cry.
Tears of weeping no one could discern.
Cry, cry, cry, weep and weep.
In between sobs,
it was about to ask why...
cry it all out .. weep as much...
the black clouds of the night
has begun to scatter
as the rain falls wanting to let go
all through the day.
In the dark corner, tears of weeping are heard...
it seems a bottomless pit.. does not end...
only calms like a turbulent sea
that only Him can stop...
just like the tears of weeping
only His arms can comfort...

 ~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, January 2022 - All Rights Reserved

 #prose #tears #cry 


📷 image credit to Mike Miller of Macaulay Library

Mystery unfolds
A rebirth, healing, casting
Light into darkness.

Mystery goes on
Freedom from own inner fears
Bring out the true self.

Mystery doesn't end
Moves in shadow, space, and time
Reflects your own fate.

~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, June 2021 - All Rights Reserved

📷 image credit to Christopher Lindsey of

#haiku #poetry #raven #mystery 

A Prose For You

📷 image credit

I never thought your death had an impact on me...
I don't know why...
It may be the past that we had shared once...
along with family, friends, and neighbors...
It may be a fear, that all of my contemporaries, 
all that had been a part of me is gone...
It may be compassion,
for you have labored for what you wanted in your life...
compassion, for I have seen 
that you seem tired 
but catching up... 
your last video and pictures say so...
that you may not have experienced the love you 
It may be a regret,
 for not letting you
 again in my life...

Life is really short..looking at all my pictures...
where am I when you were sad and lonely...
where am I all those years...
I know... but I stopped talking to you...
I never seemed to bother...
 the way you look at me on two different occasions...
..when my father and your mom died...
I know, you were the one who defended me for the way my hair looks...
The look that you wanted to hug me...
but then I ignored it and became passive...

I don't even know if I can go and see you for the last time...
I am crying... I was your 'Mie.. 
I am actually blaming myself for that one more chance...
When you found out we have the same fate in love...
I was dumbfounded by your late sorry...
I laughed it off...
our song 'Count on you to be there, you will forever be important to me.." 
..but I never dared to say it to you...

I'm crying but what right do I have...
I was but will never be yours, 
as you were but will never be mine...
yet, thank you for those days... 
treating me as a fragile one 
to be taken care of...
'coz I know you have seen me how I was as a little girl... 
we almost grew up together, 
five years my senior
you were the one who treated me like my father did...

thank you for the many "duck eggs"...
thank you for serving your people.. you have a good heart...
 I'm sorry, too...

~ €mpêråtrïzV

~ Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, 2020 - All Rights Reserved

#prose #death #crying #regret #pain #compassion #countonyou