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📷 image by EmilyM.

Sun engulfed by dusk
Promises new day and hope
Dawn peeping through clouds


Beauty of Sunset
Unspeakable awareness
of what lies ahead.

~~ o0o ~~

 Sunset gives us hope,
Another day's gone away
 New day rise again

 ~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, July 2014 - All Rights Reserved

G O D 's

📷 image by EmilyM

I belong to God
I am His beloved child,
whom He surely loves.

I believe God's Words
He is our true loving God,
who promised me life.

I believe God's works 
Created all things that we see
for us to enjoy.

I believe God's will
He knows what is right for me
and the best for us.

I believe God's ways
He's our Father who knows best
to set things straight.

 ~ €mpêråtrïzV

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, July 2013 - All Rights Reserved

In This Life Without YOU..

📷 image credit

My love, in this life without you
I am lost...
I remember you as if it was only yesterday.
The way the morning sun danced in your hair
as your smile and sweet good-morning kisses woke my world.
In this life, I have been searching for,
But cannot seem to find you.
Where are you, my love?
Was it all just a dream?
It feels so real and I see it so clearly.
It must be. My heart is yours.
I remember you perhaps from the heavens or another life.
I promised you then, I would find you...
so I will search the world over...
Until once again...
your sweet morning kisses
wake me from this slumber...
we call loneliness... 

~ by Happy Mark, 2013
( a person I have known only by his pen name)

Copyright © 1st published @ Sunflower for Emily,  May 2013 - All Rights Reserved

Love Lost

📷 image credit

From that day when you left me,
my whole world fell apart...
my heart has broken into pieces...
and yet you were never satisfied...
never expected that you will step into it...
You asked me what was wrong,,
but I refused to answer what is inside of me...
I just said, "NOTHING SERIOUS"...
but when you turned your back on me,
I just whispered "EVERYTHING"...
A broken heart never really heals...
it was just kept in the deepest part of your life...
it was too funny to say that you've broken my heart,,
but still...
The spaces between your fingers should be filled with mine...
but now it is filled with hers.
I never thought that the person whom  I've loved so much,,
cause me so much pain...
I've tried to forget you...
but no matter how I've tried,
I just can't let go of you...
I just wish that dreams and wishes do come true...
because in my dreams you were always there...
just like living in a fantasy,,
but when reality weren't there...
I've tried so hard to pretend that everything in me is doing alright...
but when I am all alone..the pain..the agony...
it's just like a wound that heals but the scar remains...
I've tried to cover it with a fake smile,,
and act as if it's not hurting me...
now I feel like I wanna hate the word "LOVE and GOODBYE"
I've foolishly held on tightly for our love...
even though I know I'm no longer the person in your heart...
a lot of my friends say that I should let go of you...
of all the things that connected us in our past,
I just smiled at them and silently cried...
you've torn my whole world apart and you don't even know it...
you were  the one who set it up,,
now you're the one who wants to stop it...
it's so hard to accept that everything between us is over...
you're the only person whom I cared for...
but you left me with a broken heart...
you've once made me feel like I'm on top of the world...
but now I am nothing but a living corpse...
Everything I've learned in breaking up...I learned it from you...
everything ends like how it begins...
love is like heaven but it can be like hell when breaking up is already there...
and the pain strikes your heart...
moving on is the hardest thing to do, especially when your heart wants to keep holding on...
And now I'm living in my own world...
pretending it was nothing...
I've tried to reach for something,,
something that will make me a new one...
though it was unreachable...
I go to a place where I can shout and scream out all the pain inside my heart...
but after that, I just kneel down and cry...
I have written your name on the sand,
but the sea washed it away...
just like how your love had been gone...
maybe I just need to write your name in my heart...
so that it can stay forever...
cause I know that my heart will always be yours...
now I know what true love really means...
once you love someone so true...
the person stays as part of you... forever...   

(This is written with permission from someone I chat with online but forget his name)

Copyright ©EmperatrizV @Sunflower for Emily, July 2011 - All Rights Reserved

D e a r ...

📷 image credit

I Love Your Eyes, Your Nose, And Your Lips!

I Love You Like The Heaven Can't Touch.

And Feels Like You Complete Me So Much...

Even Though You're My Inspiration...

You're Always In My Heart Sensation,

All Of These I Want You To know ..!

That's My Way To Say I Love You So.

So, Please Stay!

Coz You Really Hurt Me,

If You Go Away. :(

I Love you so!..

~ by Jeremy Alba, 2010

Copyright © 1st published @ Sunflower for Emily, January 2011 - All Rights Reserved